Strolling on the Beach:


New year, new life! In 2018 I moved to Los Angeles, California and I am loving it!  I’m taking a break from running a tattoo shop to spend time with my family and focus on other creative endeavors that have been on the backburner the last decade since I opened Twelve 28.  You can catch me at the playground or the beach when I’m not hunkered over a tattoo machine.

I would like to say a huge, endless THANK YOU to New York City and everyone that made memories with me.   We kicked that city’s ass.  I love you, all.  If you’re ever out this way, please say hi!

To get in touch, is still the best way.


Moving Out of New York City:

2018 means a lot of changes for myself and my little family. We’ll be starting our next chapter on the West Coast!

If you have a tattoo that is not finished and you’d like to rectify that before I leave, please contact me asap. While I am giving priority to unfinished pieces, the sooner we schedule, the better. I only have Fridays available – which I know won’t work for everyone. I can put you on the contact list in case of cancellations for Saturdays and Sundays. I fully intend to be back to this side of the country a couple times a year, but haven’t any plans yet. is the best way to get in touch. I don’t see DMs or FB messages very often. If you don’t have a tattoo to work on, but would like to say goodbye, I’m in the shop almost every weekend through the end of the year.

Thank you for your love and support over the years and THANK YOU for letting me draw on you so often. Without getting too emotional, I am consistently thankful for the art, relationships, and thought provoking conversations born out of this career.




A Sleeve in a Day:

Big, huge THANK YOU to Jaime for sitting like a champ and getting this entire piece done in one, six hour session.  It was a lot of fun to draw up and I’m really happy with the final product – not to mention it was very cool to finish such a large project in one shot.  Enjoy!

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